Thursday, August 28, 2008

Oxbow Hike

Piper and Mama set out for a beautiful hike at Oxbow park. Piper has been before with her school for a field trip, yet despite the fact that it is only 15 miles away, Mama had never been. What a beautiful place to spend an wonderful morning. We started our hike going down to the banks of the Sandy River where Piper played in the sand amongst the geese and osprey.

We Headed up into the deep mossy forest and sat down for an orange and granola bar. As Piper and Mama enjoyed our little snack, a deer decided to come say hello. She was not shy at all and was curious of Piper as Piper was of her. They watched each other for a while and the deer walked around our bench, hung out for a while letting mama get photos and Piper to get a closer look. We let the deer eat amoung the flowers and ferns and then headed back down the trail with a great story. Piper was very excited to see this beautiful deer so close. What a great day!!

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