Friday, August 31, 2007

Powell Butte hike

Piper and mama took advantage of a most beautiful Friday and went on a little hike up to Powell Butte. We saw snakes and hawks and picked a google of blackberries for a blackberry pie. Piper had fun running the trail and chasing bluebirds and finches that darted around the trees and trail.
Piper is lovin' the sun and being silly.

mama finds the most beautiful tree and piper takes a pose in front

piper and mama take a quick break and smile for the camera.

Soap box derby

Dada and Teeb took Piper up to Mt. Tabor for the Annual Soap Box Derby races a few weeks ago. They had a super fun time watching all the crazy derby cars from king kong to tecate stands race down the hill. Piper was very intrigued with the unicorns that followed Noah's ark (apparently people don't believe in unicorns because they weren't on noahs ark and got left behind-not familiar with the story) but Piper loved them anyway

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

what's been going on?

Piper has been busy lately. First Nana came back to visit for week, then Grandma and Grandpa stayed for a few weeks and watched Piper while mama and daddy went to a String Cheese concert!

Piper and Grace chill out on the couch at mama's new massage business. They were so excited to see each other and had a blast playing with the balloons and eating quiche. Mama had her big grand opening the 18th of August.Piper has been to more weddings at 3 than mama has almost her whole life! We were happy to attend Jason Landis and Sarah's wedding, which was beautiful and fun. 7/22/07

Dada, Mama, Piper, Corrina, Dave, and Raya at Landis after wedding day BBQ. 7/23/07