Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Just too cute

I have no reason other than this picture is so damn cute i couldn't help post it. Piper braves the chilly outdoors to go to Tumble class this past tuesday. The bummer is that later that night she got really sick in her tummy and we have been home cuddled together on the couch keeping the fire stoked and the freezing air out all day.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

gobble gobble


It was a fun day to be off work, hanging out with the family. Uncle Mark came over with a bird, stuffing, gravy and berries. yumm. Mama made the taters, green beans...and a fresh from scratch apple pie. HMMMMM so good. Piper had fun playing with Uncle and decorating the Yule tree. Piper also enjoyed making turkey cards for the grandparents.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Boss and Piper

Jamie brought over her new puppy Boss last night-a 6 month old Bermese Mt. dog. Piper introduced Boss to her stuffed dog Charlie and had fun petting Boss' fluffly puppy fur. Boss was such a good boy chillin' out while we had some dinner and conversation. Piper and Boss will see more of each other as time goes on-and i am sure a little pony ride atop Boss will happen eventually.
Good times!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tumble Time

Tuesdays are special days because Piper gets to go to Romp and Roll tumble class. Not a much of a class really, just an opportunity for toddlers to play on mats, balance beams, bars and trampolines. Piper could spend more than the 1/2 hour allowed too, but other classes fill day so we make do with the time we have. Piper has so much fun jumping and running and tumbling down the mats and playing with the other kids too.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

the real halloweenie

Piper got to flaunt her cute witchy costume at the mall on Halloween. Mama and Papa flew in from a small vacation called VEGOOSE, still a little hungover and tired, but happy to see their little monkey and take her to her first trick or treating outing.

Opting for the mall instead of the freezing cold outside, we all headed to Clackamas town center where Piper figured out quickly what all the other kids were doing in costumes. Piper had fun walking around and checking out the other costumes and getting candy!

Good ol' sneaky mama brought her own bag of goodie composed of stickers, bubbles, beads, raisans and pretzels. Once in the car, mama switched out the candy for the sticker lot and Piper never knew she got dissed on the tootsie rolls and lolipops in exchange for rasins. Mama is sneaky like that.