Monday, February 25, 2008

Disco Mania

It's that time again!!!! Baby Loves Disco back in Portland. While mama worked the event doing free massages for mama's and papa's, Piper and Daddy twirled and danced away to some funky disco beats. Piper had a great time and was a star disco queen. Next time we hope Grace can dance with Piper at the last BLD until the Fall.

"mama, mama...i shake my booty"
The best dressed disco queen on the floor. shake it baby shake it!!

Guinea Pigs visit

The classroom Guinea Pigs from Piper's Montessori School came to visit for the weekend. Piper learned to feed and water them and give them lots of love. We took them out to play on the grass while the sun was shinning. They didn't do much but sit there...the excitement of guniea pigs.

Here Piper and mama play with ElisPiper hold Daddy the piggie
Piper, Dada and Dodger watch Elis explore the wild outdoors.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Piper has recently discovered that Dinosaurs are pretty cool and was super excited that they made an invasion at OMSI. We headed down to OMSI to check out the big meat eaters with big heads and the leafy green eaters with long necks. She thought they were pretty darn neat and made out like a bandit with some smaller versions to take home. Hopefully they won't eat all of her safari animals.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Snowy Iowa

oh man, nothing like Iowa for some fun snow time. Mama, Piper and Dada throw snowballs in the backyard of Grandma's house. Piper couldn't get enough and ganged up with Dada to tackle mama with snow.Best picture EVER!! Dada and Piper getting ready to slide down the hill.
And there she goes!!!!! What good times sledding down the hill in the back yard. Dada and mama take turns hauling Piper up the hill and watching her fly down. WEEEEEEEEEEEE

Time with Family

The family was in Iowa for a few days saying goodbye to Grandpa and spending time with friends and family.

Piper doesn't feel like taking a picture right now. Mama and Dada with Tito Mark and Grandma in Iowa. ahhhh, nothing like chocolate covered pineapples to make the day go by.
Mama and Dada and Piper with friends Witt, Holly and their son and friend Julie.