Monday, March 31, 2008

Hot Disco Dancers

Piper and Grace got to do the roller coaster and dance to the love shack on Sunday for the last Baby Loves Disco until the fall. They had so much fun dancing in the bubbles, eating yummy snacks and shakin to the grooves. What Fun!

Piper lets mama give her a massage while she waits for her friend Grace to show up at Baby Loves Disco on March 30th. Piper was a wee bit on the ticklish side, but wanted the massage anyway. There was a lot of laughing going on.

Piper and Grace movin' and groovin'
Are we having fun yet or WHAT!


The cherry blossoms adorn the trees surrounding Portland. Daffodils line the parks, and gardens. It is Spring Time...with SNOW? Piper stands in our front yard with flowers and snow. Crazy days indeed! While not enough fell or stuck to the ground, it was kind of fun, and yet scary at the same time to see Snow in Spring.