Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Dog Mountian

Dog Mountian Washington. I don't know why its called Dog Mountian. There are a lot of dogs on the trail. You work like a dog going up and down the trail! Whatever the reason, Piper, mama and dada took the Monday after Mother's Day to take on the 7.5 mile vertical hike for the spoils of victory upon completion, which of course the view!!!!

Mama says it should be renamed mule mountian, because mama felt like a pack mule the whole trip. Poor mama and dada. Piper got the sweet treat of riding in the hiking pack that sat uptop mama's back. Pretty much the whole way up and down. Piper did take a few opportunities to run up some of the steep hills and had more fun sliding down them on the way back.

Once we *finally* made it to the top, we enjoyed every minute as we made ourselves a nice picnic amoung the flowers and looked out around us, catching glimses of Mt. Hood and Mt. St.Helens and the Columbia river which surrounded us below.

Piper loved walking in the flowers and watching all the butterflies.

We made it home in one piece, but mama and dada are sore and tired. Piper was of course ready for more play. "why you all so tired? I am so ready to play, i got tons of energy!!!!"

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